

For Infants: ASAP

For Waddlers + Toddlers: ASAP, but with oral function onboard first

For Children: once prepared by an oral myofunctional therapist

For Adults: after preparation with an oral myofunctional therapist AND if there is enough tongue space

When To Treat

If you have been referred to AirSync or found us from a particular search, the answer is NOW. The sooner the better! There is no watchful waiting. You have been referred or your curiosity has been piqued because you or another provider have noticed smoke signals or potential fires. With every bit of dysfunction, there are compensations and adaptations that come at a price. With breastfeeding, this means NOW. The longer the waiting with a newborn some of the risks include premature cessation of breastfeeding, alteration to milk supply, sudden plateauing of baby’s weight gain, GI distress, and colic, to name a few. Research shows that the human will never outgrow the tongue-tie; the human will figure out a way to make it work but at a price. With children, you want to address these concerns ASAP as well to protect cognitive and physical development, growth, sleep, and overall health.

How to Treat

AirSync is one of the few practices in the world that is trained and certified in using the BabyLase light Laser, a non-surgical approach to releasing oral tension, tongue-ties, tonsillitis, collapsing nostrils, and more. This cutting-edge treatment helps with the softening and releasing of tissues in a gentle way.