

Dentists are educated to refer children by the age of 7 to the orthodontist for an evaluation. However, the deficiency of space is present at birth! The most rapid growth of the head/jaws takes place from 0-4yrs, at which point the upper jaw is 60% grown. By 6yrs of age it is 80% grown. If we wait until 7, we have almost completely missed growth guidance opportunities.

An amazing Airway-Centric Pediatric Dentist in Chicago termed a new movement called LTS - Less Than Six — meaning identification, referral, and care for children can and should be younger than 6 years of age. Why not help encourage growth while the growth is at its optimal potential? And, with poor craniofacial growth, we have accompanying poor oral function, generally challenged breathing, and some level of breathing-disordered sleep. We should not be letting our children suffer with dysfunctional sleep. It is time to think differently and non-conventionally.

As mentioned before, the time to help your children is ASAP!!!

If you see a the high palate, no space between baby teeth, crowding, presence of thrusts, tooth grinding, history of chronic ear infections/tubes being placed, tonsils and adenoids surgery, diagnosis of sleep apnea, diagnosis of ADHD, etc., do not wait!

At AirSync we are confident and comfortable with treating the littles. We have many options that can be started very early in childhood. And, as long as the child can sit still for a digital impression (less than 10min while watching a movie), the child can move into more customized care.

For children ages 6 months - 3 years, we incorporate the MyoMunchee® into daily routine, guide parents on optimal nutrition to strengthen and grow the jaws, train breathing habits, and more. At 2.5+ years, we can move into Invisalign®, ALF therapy, or other 3-Dimensional growth guidance appliances.