Laser vs. Scissors

Many parents ask which is better, scissors or laser. The tool is not as important as the diagnostic skills, as well as the surgical experience of the surgeon. Sequencing the treatment plan and treating the entire oral restriction (anterior and posterior) is what is critical. If laser is your choice, it is imperative that you seek a provider who utilizes a CO2 laser.

Whether the tool is laser or scissors, appropriate assessment of birth trauma and neuromuscular function, before and aftercare is imperative for optimal healing, as well as collaborative care with OTs/SLPs/bodywork professionals to help restore function.

LightScalpel CO2 Laser for Infants

We utilize laser for the following reasons:

It is thorough: clips and snips are incomplete.

It treats / removes all of the restrictive tissue, not just the front.

It is efficient.

There is minimal bleeding; if more tissue needs to be removed, the field of view is clean! We can see that all restrictive tissue is removed with confidence.

The blood vessels and nerve endings are “sealed” so they heal more comfortably.

The Functional Frenuloplasty - CO2 Laser with Suturing

When your baby gets a little older, we change the technique to a functional frenuloplasty, developed by Dr. Soroush Zaghi of The Breathe Institute. This technique does involve using scissors and is even more complete than a laser frenectomy. The restrictive oral tissue is removed and the wound is closed with small sutures.

The shift in the technique is to help get the best outcome for your child. Circumstances change as your child gets older. They get bigger and stronger, pearly whites come in, they start eating solids, they are more aware of their world. With all of the above, we want to make sure that the surgery is safe and successful, that you are successful in the aftercare and managing of the wound, and that we are not causing emotional trauma to your child (their psyche is operational!). This requires sedation of the child for a short duration, but gives the opportunity for maximum comfort of your child and the best healing.

Since we follow an integrative and functional model, we are not only evaluating the tongue-tie, but assessing lip-ties and cheek-ties as well as the other structures (palate, nose, upper airway, digestion, and more), behaviors, and functions that have been impacted by a tongue that cannot function optimally.

The AirSync method is comprehensive and functional. Prior to the functional frenuloplasty, we have you meet with one of our talented myofunctional therapists to desensitize your child’s mouth, work on getting the tongue to lift, familiarize baby and you with the post-surgical care routine, and help optimize the outcome!

We are excited to announce the launch of The Littles Initiative, in which we evaluate and monitor your child’s facial growth and development, tongue function, nasal breathing, sleep health, and more. There is no medicine like no medicine, meaning if we can prevent or do early intervention, we can help your child have the most optimal and beautiful breathing, sleep, and growth!

Tongue Tie Truths