AirSync Dental_Logo_Color-01.png

Integrative General Dentistry

  •  Whole Health Dental Care

  •   Prevention Like You Have Never Before Seen

  •   Conservative Fillings/Crowns/Bridges

  •   Sedation

  •   Lifelike Dentures

  •   Digital Smile Design

  •   3D Imaging

  •   Digital Impressions - no more goop, we use the latest technology

  •   Impeccable Implants: Computer-Guided Surgery

  •   PRF: Platelet Rich Plasma Healing Serum

  •   OralDNA Labs: Profiling of bacteria that are causal in heart disease

  •   Pinhole Surgical Technique: painless gum grafting 

  •   CIMT Ultrasound - Determine if you have plaque in your arteries

Pediatric Dentistry

  • Infant Laser Frenotomies

  • Sleep Evaluation, Assessment, and Treatment

  • Jaw Development: early growth guidance for healthy airway, healthy sleep, and naturally straight teeth

  • Preventive pediatric care

  • Non-surgical treatment of enlarged Tonsils & Adenoids - many patients arrive at our office with enlarged tonsils and adenoids. If the enlargement is severe, we will advise and refer for surgery. If there is a little time, we can very successfully shrink the tonsils with a combination of training nasal breathing to infuse the tissues with nitric oxide and referral to a specific Naturopath who treats the tissues holistically. There can be subclinical levels of bacteria, fungi, or viruses hiding in the inflamed tissues and causing chronic low level inflammation perpetuating the enlarged tissues. With identification of the microbes, the naturopath can treat the infection with homepathic regimens and successfully shrink the tissues within a matter of months.

Cosmetic & Restorative Dentistry

  • Porcelain Veneers

  • Porcelain Inlays/Onlays Porcelain

  • Crowns

  • Gorgeous Life-like Dentures

  • Composite Bonding & Filling

  • Invisalign®

  • Teeth Whitening

  • Botox & Dermal Fillers


Our Technology

  • Digital X-Rays and Digital Impressions

  • Cavity Risk Profiling

  • OralDNA Labs - Bacterial and Genetic Saliva Testing

  • Digital Dental CT Scan

  • PRF Healing Serum

  • Digital Smile Design (DSD) Planning

  • Computer-Guided Implant Surgery - precision and success



Your mouth is a part of your body. That sounds obvious and is obvious, but many dentists do not treat your mouth this way. Maybe it’s because we are taught to be surgeons first. At AirSync, we think of ourselves as champions of wellness, looking to prevent and reverse disease. What this means is that we want answers to questions that arise in our patient’s journey. Why are you getting cavities? Why do you have gum bleeding and inflammation? Why are your teeth breaking? Why are your teeth crooked? Why are your teeth getting shorter? Why are your teeth loose? All of these questions have answers that may not be in the mouth. We know the contributing factors snoring, high blood pressure, diabetes, tongue ties, diet, epigenetics, genetics and other out of mouth conditions that can have an influence on your oral health and vice versa - how your oral health keeps you from being your healthiest self.

Conservative Fillings, Crowns, Bridges

Our mentor, Dr. John Kois has always said the best dentistry is no dentistry. We can help you find the path that will ensure you get to this destination. We use advanced technology every day to restore teeth, but our brains and wisdom are what provide the best results.


Many people are afraid of any healthcare treatment. By nature, our team is warm, fuzzy, and welcoming. We will meet you where you are on your journey and lead you where you want to go. At your pace and at your comfort level. If needed, we partner with anesthesiologists to help the most fearful patients achieve wellness.

Lifelike Dentures

Many people have been touched with overwhelming happiness when we have updated their smile with a new set of lifelike, harmonious dentures. And with computer guided implants to secure these dentures fully, eating is not a chore but a life pleasure once again.

3D Imaging

In this day and age there is no good reason to not use tools that allow you to provide reliable, predictable treatment. Conventional flat x-rays are still useful for certain things, but we are 3-Dimensional human beings. Teeth are 3D, your smile is two curves on top of each other, these curves are in the lower front of your spherical head. We use 3D imaging as a tool to help treat a 3D person to optimal 3D health.

Impeccable Implants: Computer-Guided Surgery

We do all the planning on a computer and our technology partners complete a virtual surgery on a model before we even touch you. This helps assure that implants are placed in the best position. This reduces the risk of implants going out the side of the jawbone like a screw out of a wall stud. Does your dentist drill in the dark?

Oral/DNA Labs: Profiling of bacteria that are causal in heart disease

Drs. Amy Doneen and Bradley Bale are cardiologists whose mission is to rid the U.S. of its number one killer, heart attack and stroke. We are doing our part by identifying what bacteria is present in your mouth that can lead to a heart attack and stroke. How can an average dentist help you get rid of this killer bacteria if they do not even know you are carrying it in your mouth?

Prevention Like You Have Never Before Seen

Would you like to know what your smile will look like in the future? Bringing the full weight of our training and knowledge allows us to be the best predictors of what path you are on both dentally and physically.

Digital Smile Design

We can use patient records and our expert team to produce the ideal smile design that takes into account interdisciplinary clinical procedures. We take a holistic view of the patient and their smile.

This allows us to cover all specialties including Esthetics, Perio, Implantology, Orthodontics, and Prosthodontics to ensure the full interdisciplinary approach for every case we plan. Using the most advanced software and quality control system, we make sure that our clients enjoy the benefits of digital interdisciplinary dentistry.

We can provide an interdisciplinary planning service using only digital data. This allows us to have a better and more complete view of the treatment to be able to communicate this to the patient in a much more efficient way.

Digital Impressions

No more goop, we use the latest technology. Coupled with other technological advances we can now know the outcome of treatment before we even get started. Does a predictable, safe route that assures you get to your desired destination sound good? This is what a digital scan of your teeth, photos of your face, and a CT scan lets us do to get you to your desired health destination.

PRF: Platelet Rich Plasma Healing Serum

After surgery, you could heal like Wolverine…almost. Using your own blood plasma during a surgical procedure allows us to give you back your concentrated healing factors. This turbo boosts your healing and some research studies have suggested it cuts healing time in half.

Pinhole Surgical Technique: painless gum grafting 

If you are “long in the tooth” that means you have receded gums. This means showing tooth roots makes you look old. This type of gum grafting is the best at making your gums look like they did when you were in your twenties. But we also identify why your smile is making you look older.

CIMT Ultrasound - Determine if you have plaque in your arteries

Would you like to know if your insides are the same numerical age as you are? What if your arteries are 10 years older than your age or 10 years younger? We can tell you your arterial age and what you can do about it. This is an ultrasound of your neck that is painless. Otherwise “healthy” people have found out their arterial age and subsequently have been referred to physicians and naturopaths. Hidden health problems were identified and now they are truly healthy because their insides show it.