The Littles Initiative brought to you by AirSync, helps to ensure that your child’s oral function, facial growth and development, optimal breathing, and sleep are on track from the get-go!
These are growth, sleep, and oral function well-checks that are invaluable to your child’s development and set the stage for a lifetime of wellness. Many common childhood illnesses can be prevented or reversed with this early identification and early intervention program including recurrent ear infections, asthma, enlarged tonsils & adenoids, the need for tube placement, sleep apnea, tooth grinding, tooth-crowding and more.
The program begins with a comprehensive evaluation with our talented Oral Myofunctional Therapists. We offer different programs which include: quarterly visits to address function/growth guidance/etc., advisement of nasal hygiene to optimize nasal breathing, MyoMunchee/MyoBrace appliances at each appropriate age, referrals to sleep consultants/ENTs/Dr. Santiago as needed. The Littles Initiative can also be enhanced to address pacifier cessation or thumb-sucking habit cessation.
The Littles Initiative can be done completely virtually, so you can be anywhere in the world and participate. And, we offer convenient monthly payments to help work this invaluable care into your budget. Your child is worth it!
The human head (and upper jaw) grows the most rapidly from age 0-2 years, by 4 years of age, it is 60% developed and then by age 6 it the jaws are 80% grown. The remaining growth creeps along from 6-12 years of age. Why not help encourage growth while the growth is at its optimal potential?
Please call our office today to schedule an appointment with our Toddler Functional Expert(s) to get your child started. (425) 392-4888
The Littles Initiative - Prevention, Early Identification and Intervention
The development of a child’s face and jaws to genetic potential is critical to facial profile, facial beauty, optimal sleep, lifetime TMJ health, proper airway development, and the position and alignment of teeth. We commend you for taking these early steps in preventing potentially serious health and developmental issues.
Some of the key causes of malocclusion (“bad bite”) and improper facial development that we watch for are:
· Mouth breathing (often accompanied by enlarged tonsils, adenoids and allergy symptoms)
· Developmental and behavioral issues
· Incorrect tongue posture (low tongue posture, tongue resting between the teeth)
· Poor oral positions (lips apart, bottom jaw hanging open, excessive inward pressure of lip and cheek muscles)
· Adverse swallowing patterns
· Thumb-sucking, excessive pacifier habit
· Soft diets
We have taken all the feedback from parents and requests from other partner providers and are very excited to introduce our The Littles Initiative.
This program was designed by AirSync and a team of affiliate doctors as well as Myofunctional Therapists to assess and closely monitor your child’s jaw growth at every stage of their development. Having this program in place will allow you to have access to the best tools available for early intervention and/or prevention.