Avoid the Risks and Limitations of Old School Orthodontic Treatment!

Many think of orthodontic treatment as involving teenage patients with metal wires and brackets glued to their teeth. Some may think of adult patients with clear, removable aligners, like Invisalign. While these treatments have been around for quite some time now and are what quickly come to mind when patients and parents start thinking about orthodontics, these old school treatments have limitations and risks. New, innovative treatments can prevent and correct problems related to misaligned teeth by treating the underlying causes. What are some of the limitations and risks of traditional, old school braces and aligners? What are some better, innovative treatment options to avoid these risks and limitations?

Limitations and Risks of Traditional Braces

Traditional braces (with brackets and wires) and tray aligners (like Invisalign) work by moving teeth through bone to reposition or align the teeth. The problem with this is that braces are limited by how much space the mouth has to work with and the placement of the bone. You cannot move teeth where no bone exists, and you cannot straighten crowded teeth if there is not enough space in the mouth for them. To work around this limitation, some dentists will shave down the sides of healthy teeth to make the teeth smaller, or extract (remove) healthy teeth to make the remaining teeth fit. Both involve permanently removing healthy tooth structure. 

Some patients do not have enough bone. A patient may have a short jaw, resulting in an overjet with upper teeth that protrude or stick out far beyond the lower teeth. A patient may have an overbite where, due to jaw size and position, the front upper and lower teeth overlap too much, resulting in excessive wear on the teeth. The lower teeth may even painfully hit the roof of the mouth upon closing. A patient may have a narrow palate. Often, this means that, not only is there not enough space for all the teeth, there is not enough space for the tongue, leading to breathing and speech difficulties. Braces and aligners alone cannot fix the underlying structural issues if the bone is inadequate.

Additionally, while a beautiful smile is the goal of orthodontic treatment, teeth also need to function properly. Inadequate orthodontic treatment cannot fully treat (and may even cause) problems with eating, speaking, and breathing. If the bone that supports the teeth is insufficient or misplaced, patients may be at risk for TMJ pain, difficulty chewing, speech problems, and gradual bone loss resulting in premature tooth loss. Simply straightening teeth with metal braces or aligners will not address underlying jaw or facial bone deficiencies. 

In order to treat the core issues and provide optimal long-term oral wellness, it's time to go beyond traditional, old-school braces and aligners and, instead, provide innovative, comprehensive care that addresses the underlying bone structures that support the teeth. This kind of care can achieve fantastic, beautiful, healthy results that braces, and aligners alone cannot provide. What are some of these treatments?

Better Options with a Better Foundation

AirSync Integrative Dentistry starts at the foundation, with innovative treatments and therapies that encourage the proper development of the jaws and airway. Once the underlying bone structure has developed and all adult teeth have erupted, our skilled doctors will reassess if limited orthodontics to move teeth are needed. Ensuring the optimal development of the skeletal foundation is crucial in achieving the best long-term function, health, and appearance of the patient's teeth. Growth in a child's jaw happens from a very young age. Parents should bring their babies in for an evaluation shortly after birth for an evaluation and to ensure baby’s oral structure is optimal for breastfeeding or feeding. There is no need to wait for the traditional patient age of seven, as with old-school braces. The younger we see your child the better.

We have not left out the older children and adults, however. Even if natural growth of the bone is complete, we can still help. We have innovative treatments that can help grow new bone, even in adults! Structural change is possible to create a healthy foundation for straightening teeth, improving both function and aesthetics.

You do not need to subject yourself or your child to the limitations and risks of old school braces and aligners. With innovative treatments, we can promote the growth of healthy jaws to provide a solid foundation for that beautiful smile. Contact us today to learn more and schedule an appointment.

Kimberly Santiago